Monday, November 26, 2007

Annotated Bibliography

1. Wood, T.S. 2005.
Loxosomatoides sirindhornae, new species, a freshwater kamptozoan from Thailand (Entoprocta). Hydrobiologia. 544: 27-31.

My first paper describes a new species of freshwater kamptozoa, Loxosomatoides sirindhornae, found in central Thailand. This makes the count of freshwater kamptozoan species two. Colonies of L. sirindhornae were collected on submerged substrata from November 2002 and March and August 2003.
It was determined this species is from the Family Pedicellinidae. The calyx of L. sirindhornae possesses 12-16 colorless tentacles. The stalk is unsegmented and unbranched and does not exceed lengths of 0.45 mm. The species is found in water temperatures ranging from 29-32°C and have little tolerance for brackish water. Loxosomatoides sirindhornae is depicted in the above figure.

2. Iseto, T., Yokuta, Y., Hirose, E., 2007. Seasonal change of species composition, abundance and reproduction of solitary entoprocts in Okinawa Island, the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan.
Mar. Biol. 151: 2099-2107.

This paper examines seasonal change in composition, abundance and methods of reproduction in solitary kamptozoa.
Kamptozoa were collected monthly from December 2000 to November 2001 using 12 glass slides. The slides were held vertically in a plastic slide box. Large windows were opened at the top and bottom of the slide box to allow for the passage of water and organisms. Once collected, the species were identified and the occurrence of sexual and asexual reproduction was examined. It was determined there is a seasonal pattern of abundance, with abundance being high in the summer and low in the winter. Of the 18 322 individuals examined only 0.37% possessed embryos and all of them were found in July and August in contrast to budding being observed each month in all species. It was concluded high water temperatures induced sexual reproduction.

3. Yakovis, E.L. 2002. Substrate preference of a non-colonial kamptozoan, and its interactions with bryozoan hosts.
Mar. Biol. 141: 1109-1115.

This paper describes specific substrate preferences of Loxosomella nordgaardi and its interactions with bryozoan hosts. Yakovis wanted to determine whether there was preference to occupying living bryozoan colonies rather then other available substrate. Sampling of the White Sea was carried out from June to September 1994 – 1997. Of the 1145 L. nordgaardi specimens found on substrates, 93.5% of were collected from the surface of bryozoan colonies, whereas only 6.5% was located on algal substrate. The abundance was found to be 60 times greater on bryozoan colonies than on algal blades. It was discovered L. nordgaardi aggregate on large colonies formed by host species with relatively large tentacle crown diameters. This preference combined with the preference of living bryozoans probably indicates a dependence on the host produced flow shown in the figure below.

1 comment:

yakovis said...

We've recently got some more data on interactions between kamptozoans and bryozoan hosts -see the thesis from EMBS 42:

However, the most recent (not yet published) results also show that the feeding particle spectra in bryozoans is shifted in presence of kamptozoans compared to the colonies that lack them.